Adaptil Collar 70cm Med/larg


Adaptil Collar 70cm Med/larg

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The Adaptil Collar is easy to use and convenient as it releases the dog appeasing pheromone constantly (even when the dog is outside). The dog's body temperature and close contact warm the collar and encourages the diffusion of pheromones into the local environment. It is essential the Adaptil Collar is in close contact with the dog's skin at all times.

Adaptil Collar is ideal for:
Puppy socialization
Travelling (for dogs travelling often or for long journeys and/or going to new destinations such as on holiday, moving home etc.)
Loud noises (thunderstorms or fireworks), especially for dogs living mostly outdoors and who cannot be kept home during such events
Staying home alone (especially for outdoor dogs).

Each collar lasts up to 4 weeks and can be replaced as required.

How do I fit an ADAPTIL collar?
Place a finger in the plastic loop situated in the inside of the collar close to the buckle
Using this loop pull the thin plastic to uncoil the collar
Fasten the collar
Place over our dogs head to tie loosely around the neck
Tighten the collar to fit snugly with your dog's skin
You should be able to place no more than 2 fingers between collar and dog's skin
Ensure the collar is fixed inside the buckle
Cut off the excess portion of the collar