Kirby Pet Treats Dehydrated Crocodile Bones


Kirby Pet Treats Dehydrated Crocodile Bones

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Our crocodile dog treat products are from sustainably farmed 100% Australian crocodiles.

They can either be straight or slightly bent. The good news is that unlike many farmed animal bones, these bones still have a little meat on their surface. 

Like the crocodile meat, these bones will have crocodile protein, so even the marrow is considered to be one of the highest non allergy fats around.

Like with any dog bone dog treat, we recommend you supervise your dog while eating them, and know that if that they break a piece off, that they will either leave it or chew it until it is a safe size to swallow.

Just like the meat, croc bones share the hypo-allergenic category of their cousin crocodile jerky.  Hypoallergenic usually refers to a novel protein, one that normally doesn’t cause allergies and one that a dog would rarely have ingested.  While kangaroo is often brilliant for that, true crocodile dog trats goes one step further, because of the rarity and expense of the raw materials.

It is very unlikely that the average dog will have ever tasted a substantial amount of crocodile protein.

And while the bone itself is mostly calcium/ phosphorus and collagen, the marrow and any meat on it will contain the crocodile proteins that will provide great nutrition with very low risk of allergy.